Caring Tips Screen Notebook
Unlike the other monitor notebook screens require extra care, Here are some tips on caring for the screen Notebook:
* Always close the notebook when not in use, if necessary use anti-dust coating or input into a notebook bag.
* Do not touch the notebook screen especially with a sharp object.
* Never spray cleaning fluid on the notebook screen, but the experts in their fields.
* We do not shut Notebook Notebook under pressure from a heavy object.
* Do not close the notebook when there is a particular object between the screen and keyboard. Even a piece of paper stuck between the screen and the keyboard can cause damage to the screen.
* Do not slam shut in a way. To clean the notebook screen, use a soft brush is designed to clean the LCD screen from dust. If the brush is not enough, use a soft cloth or tissue moistened with cleaning fluid. Remember! Do not use cleaning fluid containing ammonia or alcohol. Spray cleaning fluid on the cloth and wipe the screen gently when cleaning.
Cleaning fluid for notebook screen cleaning is recommended using the same type that is used to display digital camera. This fluid can usually be found at the camera shop equipment at a price of cheaper
* IMPORTANT: Protect your laptop LCD screen with Anti-Scratch Protection at a price cheaper
Unlike the other monitor notebook screens require extra care, Here are some tips on caring for the screen Notebook:
* Always close the notebook when not in use, if necessary use anti-dust coating or input into a notebook bag.
* Do not touch the notebook screen especially with a sharp object.
* Never spray cleaning fluid on the notebook screen, but the experts in their fields.
* We do not shut Notebook Notebook under pressure from a heavy object.
* Do not close the notebook when there is a particular object between the screen and keyboard. Even a piece of paper stuck between the screen and the keyboard can cause damage to the screen.
* Do not slam shut in a way. To clean the notebook screen, use a soft brush is designed to clean the LCD screen from dust. If the brush is not enough, use a soft cloth or tissue moistened with cleaning fluid. Remember! Do not use cleaning fluid containing ammonia or alcohol. Spray cleaning fluid on the cloth and wipe the screen gently when cleaning.
Cleaning fluid for notebook screen cleaning is recommended using the same type that is used to display digital camera. This fluid can usually be found at the camera shop equipment at a price of cheaper
* IMPORTANT: Protect your laptop LCD screen with Anti-Scratch Protection at a price cheaper
Tips Merawat Layar Notebook
Berbeda dengan monitor lainnya layar Notebook memerlukan perawatan yang ekstra, Berikut ini adalah beberapa tips dalam merawat layar Notebook :
- Selalu tutup Notebook bila tidak digunakan, Kalau perlu gunakan lapisan anti debu atau masukan ke dalam tas Notebook.
- Jangan menyentuh layar Notebook apalagi dengan benda tajam.
- Jangan pernah menyemprotkan cairan pembersih pada layar Notebook, kecuali yang ahli di bidangnya.
- Saat Notebook tertutup jangan sampai Notebook mendapat tekanan dari benda yang berat.
- Jangan menutup notebook saat ada benda tertentu antara layar dan keyboard. Bahkan selembar kertas yang terjepit antara layar dan keyboard bisa menjadi penyebab kerusakan layar.
- Jangan menutup dengan cara membanting. Untuk membersihkan layar notebook, gunakan sikat lembut yang memang dirancang untuk membersihkan layar LCD dari debu. Jika sikat tidak cukup, gunakan kain lembut atau tisu yang dibasahi dengan cairan pembersih. Ingat! Jangan gunakan cairan pembersih yang mengandung amoniak atau alkohol. Semprotkan cairan pembersih pada kain dan usap layar perlahan-lahan saat membersihkan.
Cairan pembersih untuk layar notebook disarankan menggunakan jenis pembersih yang sama dengan yang digunakan untuk layar kamera digital. Cairan ini biasanya bisa didapatkan di toko penjual perlengkapan kamera dengan harga sekitar Rp. 15.000,- - PENTING: Lindungilah layar LCD Laptop anda dengan Proteksi Anti Gores dengan harga Rp. 75.000,-
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